Emmanuel Joseph "EJ" Isada-Mariano
Student Radio Jock, Monster Radio RX93.1
19 years old
Twitter: @rxejmariano  
Facebook Page:  RXEJMariano

I'm blue blooded and green minded. I finished middle school and secondary education in La Salle Green Hills. After 13 years of Lasallian education, I figured to jump ship and see what all the fuss is about in the other school. I'm now in my junior year in the Ateneo de Manila Universit, taking a bachelor's degree on European Studies, with a minor in French. though I'm wearing blue, I still consider myself as a Lasallian, unless its the college basketball season.

I'm a student radio jock for Radio 1 on Monster Radio RX93.1 and I have been training to become a radio DJ for the past 4 years. I started during my junior year in highschool at 15 ears old and I've been annoying your ears since then! Recently, we just took in a new batch of Radio 1 jocks and I was lucky enough to be chosen to manage the rosted. It's probably the most fun I've had since entering college!

I also do voice-over work and host events on the side.

Being a bachelor

Personally, I think being a bachelor is all about celebrating the awesomeness of singlehood. Being free from commitment relationship wise means a bachelor can focus on other aspects in having a generally successful life. Like developing a career and discovering and enjoying what the world has to offer!

My passion

I’ve always been an artist. Design is my passion (drawing, painting, graphic & digital), but it was never an option for me as something I wanted to study and learn about from other people. I think taste is never acquired, but nurtured. I can say that my aesthetic is very much my own and I’m proud of it!

I work on little projects every now and then (designs, paintings & short films) every now and then to blow-off some steam from my academic life. Again, it’s all about balance.


Education is my biggest priority. Right now, it's all about graduating. I've been raised believing that education is really important, so I'm dead-set on getting a diploma.


I still live with my parents! Out of respect, I’m not entitled to impose my opinions and thoughts on managing the house and other aspects of our family life and I honestly don’t see that as a problem. I’m still young, after all. As much as possible, I do try to be an obedient

In making decisions for myself though, I insist on deciding on aspects that concern my academic and professional life. I make and manage my own time between studies, radio work, production and hosting gigs. It can get pretty hectic, but it’s definitely a learning

"Right now, a lovelife isn't a priority, although it wouldn't hurt. It's always family first and friends, second when it comes to prioritizing. But honestly, it's all about striking a balance. Too much of both can drive you nuts. If I were to have a lovelife, that person needs to accept that that's how I do things, and not impose: someone willing to take an almost backseat from my studies, career and family life because again, it's not really important at this point in my life."

Does love inspire you to do more or less in life?

I’d like to believe that it did. I’m not in love at the moment, so I’m trying to remember how it was. Kidding aside, yes it does. I think love was always a reason to be the best, not just for someone else and other people but also for yourself.

About handling negative comments

You try to figure out where it’s coming from. If it’s genuine and valid, you take it in, think about it and if you can, do something to address the issue. Everyone’s empowered by technology nowadays, so anyone can publicly state their opinions (whether intelligent or not) and it spreads like wildfire. Being on radio and living a life that’s generally public, it makes me an easy target and I can’t deny that I’ve had negative comments, criticisms and everything else. It’s a matter of picking which is genuine and which is just loads of bull. 

Financial Freedom

It’s something I can’t fully appreciate since I’m on Mommy & Daddy’s payroll. Ha ha. But yes, I do recognize the importance of financial independence and how it’s not just about being able to buy what you want but also, about self-empowerment. Like most people, I do wish financial freedom for myself once I get my career jump-started. 

My plans for the future

After graduating, I figured I should take some time off and build a career on radio: something I’ve been dreaming of since I started training as a student jock in RX. I’ll allot 5 years for that.When I’m ready with my own finances, enter law school. One thing I’ve always wanted to be since I was a child is to be a litigation lawyer, probably from watching a lot of legal dramas growing up. That’s always been the plan.
