Nature has been one of the greatest gifts to mankind. It has been the source of life to different organisms, both living and non-living. There is a complex and profound evidence that the equilibrium of life is guided by a cycle of birth and death, existence and evolution to cope up with the changing life patterns in the planet that we call Earth. A planet, where its inhabitants co-exist in the air, water and on the grounds and its beauty recognize in the circle of life. The sound of the flowing river, surrounded by vegetation and clean air, this is our only home. This is Planet Earth.

Al Gore, the former Vice President of the United States of America who also lost in the presidential race was the speaker in the documentary film. His predicament started when he shifted his tone from this beautiful scene to the different calamities and disasters that hit the planet. He showed the first snapshot of planet earth to the audience captured by the Apollo 11 mission. It is here that he begins a complete evaluation and explanation of the issue of global warming and climate change.

Al Gore presented his past when he took his audience into a journey of his life. From an idealistic college student who fist saw the massive environmental crisis looming because of early exposure to the “Keeling Curve”, a record of measurement of CO2 composition in the atmosphere that was thought to their class by Dr. Roger Revelle in Harvard University. This early exposure to the significant impact to humans have deeply affected Gore, and he details efforts he made to call attention to the issue long before most people had heard it, back in the 1970s and 80s. It has been a mission for Al Gore even when he got to the senate and almost to the Presidency. He highlighted in his talks that global warming is no longer a political issue but rather, the biggest moral challenge facing the human civilization today.

The evidence is clear, this is what Al Gore wants to instill to the minds of his viewers as he presented slides that shows critical analysis of the current state of the physical terrestrial environment due to climate change and global warming. He explains the effect of carbon dioxide and other gases that warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is good thing according to him because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels, we have dramatically increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperature is continuously rising on a scale that is much higher compared in the last thousands of years. Gore evaluated the socio-economic and political causes and commented on the reluctant attitudes of many to accept the potential disaster that is presently felt-global warming and climate change by mentioning a quote from Mark Twain: “What gets us in trouble isn’t what we don’t know; it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” Additionally, he provided series of realistic forecast from scientific research and historical facts to show the parallelism of the climate change to mankind’s technological development. He even uses photographs of various landmarks in different temporal settings to show the devastating effect on climate change, particularly on the earth’s ice masses. He then moves towards outlining an incontrovertible relationship between warmer oceans, higher temperatures to extreme weather events, settlements, landmasses, diseases vectors. In his conclusion he states that “Old habits + Old Technology = Predictable Consequences”. At the closing of his talk, Gore presented the same image that he use at the start – a beautiful river in the wilderness.


“Gore uses the documentary film as a viable means of educating, arousing interest in, raising awareness of, and rectifying the problem of global warming and climate change showing that we need to change our way of thinking for the future, through scientific evidence and his own personal experiences, using the statements of historical figures, to argue his case”(Wilson, 2005)

Al Gore is qualified to be the marketing person in the subject matter of global warming because of his past exposure and experiences in the field of climate change. He marketed the idea of saving the planet by using our  energy and resources efficiently. Captivating the target audiences from all walks of life, Al Gore’s image of a political influence in the most powerful nation in the world has made him the best resource speaker that can draw million of audience not only in the United States of America but also in other continents in the planet. He is a marketer where he uses his influence to translate his ideas into a movement.

“Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs”. (Kotler, 2009). Al Gore clearly identify a need, where most of us doesn’t realize, to save the only home that we live in. Gore, relate his experiences that connects him to his audience and allow him to use a common ground not just stating scientific facts but also experiences that can be also experienced by his audience.

Some critics would argue that Gore use the film as a campaign ad because the film showed many scenes of Gore being applauded by large crowds, working to uncover evidence of Republican shenanigans to later or suppress climate change science. “Gore is portrayed as a humble and tireless crusader for good” (Masters, 2008).

Overall, in the point of view of a marketer, Gore has been successful in his campaign against climate change and global warming because the world today is moving towards awareness and green revolution that recognizes the need of individuals and organizations in different parts of the planet to become responsible catalyst of protecting the environment and the planet that is called our only home. 


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