The story is set in an exclusive college school for boys where a history teacher named Mr. Hundert (the lead role in the movie) is working. The college has an interesting motto, “The end depends upon the beginning”. It is somehow the central theme of the entire story because the teacher’s choice affected the rest of the story. The college also portrays most of the educational institutions nowadays. Although the time context is somehow in the past, but in reality, what has transpired in the movie is still applicable in the present situation, especially in the ethical aspects depicted in the movie.
There are several lessons that Mr. Hundert taught in his students. Their first lesson started with a phrases "ambition and conquest without contribution is meaningless", "we have to be rich in spirit" and "a man's character is his fate." With these thoughts, we can reflect on how our life guides us towards our real purpose.

There was a time in the story when Mr. Hundert’s principles and character was tested when a new student, Sedgewick Bell, son of Senator Bell, became his student in the history class. The father and son (Bell) epitomizes the reality of the youth and adults that even knowing the right and wrong would still choose to do the wrong things because they believe that being righteous will not be beneficial for oneself. It is by this principle that their heart was hardened and their vision has become clouded by the fear of losing the fight of getting a happy and wealthy life.

Mr. Hundert, with his willingness to invoke change in the life of Sedgewick decided to support Bell in his studies especially in the tournament Julius Caesar, which is held annually to showcase the best student of  knowledge in history. In reality, it is in man’s nature to love and show compassion to people. However, sometimes we choose our feelings over reason in the hope of making another person become better.
The story relates itself to the viewers as a reality check of what ethical principles and character we are holding as a person. There are some questions which transpired to me while watching the film like: a) It is possible to mold some else’s character? ; b) Who influence a person’s character and values? ; and c) What makes a person change?

In conclusion, I quoted one line from Mr. Hundert, “Wilful ignorance is intolerable.” Ignoring mistakes and people’s wrong actions, especially the young, most of the time leads to incomprehensible change in a man’s character. We should be watchful about our thoughts and feelings that we can stand on what we know is right. It is in situations involving the choice between reason (what is right, fair) and heart (feelings, which are not always correct) that our character is tested. We are all called to be a man of character that we may bring goodness to the world. 


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