Originally posted by: Shamelaboush

There are very frequent and popular questions among girls which are: is that man charming or sexy enough? Why is he attractive? What makes a man hot? Attractiveness is a unique feature, and as it’s impossible to learn how to become charming, it’s also very difficult to unveil the secrets which render a man attractive!

Despite all that, the attractive man always shines differently and is easily distinguished among his peers. That charisma magnetizes us spiritually and physically as well. Depending on research and stereotypical concepts according to men, women are naturally considered charming because of the way they look, but the case is different to women when it comes to defining men in terms of attractiveness. While there is a focus on the appearance of men, there’s a lot more focus on many other things like the man’s personality, whether he pays attention to women or not and his tone with kids…etc

We should know that the look is not everything to recognize the attractive man as well as it’s not the money. I can define the attractive man in few words only: he is innocent, down to earth, manly and honest.


I will cite 10 reasons depending on a questionnaire conducted with experts plus normal women, but still, this remains a point of view from a different angle:


1-The attractive man likes kids. He knows how to communicate with children and understands them and he doesn’t do that to draw any attention; he does that naturally.

Photo credits to: Google.com

2-The attractive man has a genuine and high sense of humor.

Photo credits to: Google.com

3-The attractive man’s eye twinkles without a reason! He is always in search of the core of life. His eyes are sharp with eagerness to examine every single source of joy around him. These glimmering eyes can capture girls, flirt with them and engulf them with tenderness.

4-The attractive man has an ever smiling face. He is not embarrassed to laugh his heart out without reservations.

5-The attractive man knows how to talk and control any conversation. His body is in harmony with his mouth and if he speaks, he will utter coherent sentences, and when the conversation heats up, it becomes fun just to listen to him.

6-The attractive man is a mysterious, enigmatic person. He is not ordinary in his clothing or the way of expressing himself. He makes you think that he always has plan B, and he is not the man of chances or accidents.

7-The attractive man is in love with the whole world: he chats with the grocer while shopping, he jokes with the cap driver, and he immerses himself in a pleasant chat with the neighbors!

8-The attractive man is captivating. He knows how to be a leader and knows what he wants. He is a man that you want to be with; to join and be sheltered by because he will show you things you’ve never seen in yourself and in the outside world.

9-The attractive man loves to interact with the four seasons of the year. He likes to wrap himself in winter and feel the wool on his skin, while in summer; he likes to wear as less as possible and enjoys sitting under the sun and taste the weather.

10-The attractive man loves food. He enjoys cooking and savoring every dish and sometimes, he surprises us with his cooking skills.


2 Responses so far.

  1. Well, that`s is a good question, and i think it was pretty well developed! Congrats!

    Ivan, FL.

  2. Thanks Ivan! :) I hope you find the site interesting. Keep on visiting! :)

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